Friday, January 10, 2020

#496. The Turner Diaries

The Turner Diaries (1978/11 hours): Written by William L Pierce, one of America's most prominent white nationalist leaders of the late 20th century, this novel deals with a military white uprising and revolution against the establishment, first in America and then spreading around the globe. Labelled as the "most dangerous book in America" by law-enforcement agencies, this book has served as an inspiration to at least two militant white groups, "The Order" in America and the "Order Boervolk" in South Africa, both of whom turned to violent action. This book is in the form of a diary kept by its hero, Earl Turner. Drawn into a secret white resistance army, Turner takes part in and describes large parts of the revolution which spreads across the globe and ultimately sees Israel, New York City and Washington D.C. destroyed in nuclear assaults. Often derided, but acknowledged even by its bitterest enemies as one of the most influential novels of modern times. Guaranteed to make the reader not stop until the very last page.