Monday, March 8, 2010

#214. Thick Black Theory

Thick Black Theory (2 Hours): is a philosophical treatise written by Li Zongwu (李宗吾) (1879-1944)[1] a disgruntled politician and scholar, born at the end of Qing dynasty. It was published in China in 1911. 1911 was a year of chaos in China, when the Qing dynasty was overthrown. It may be regarded as the Chinese equivalent of Machiavelli's The Prince.

Li was a scientist of political intrigue. He wrote: "When you conceal your will from others, that is Thick. When you impose your will on others, that is Black (Dark)." Thick Black Theory describes the ruthless, hypocritical means men use to obtain and hold power: "thick faces" (shamelessness), "black heart" (cruelty), according to author's view of history. It went through several printings before being banned in China as subversive.