Friday, December 11, 2009
#166. Making It All Work
Making It All Work (9 Hours): In today's crackberry-driven multitasking world, it's reassuring to hear David Allen's tempered voice and positive attitude--especially when you know that this is the man whose 2001 time-management book, GETTING THINGS DONE (GTD), caused millions to organize their in-boxes and adopt the mantra ""Do it, Delegate it, or Defer it."" Now Allen has returned with MAKING IT ALL WORK, a road map for implementing the GTD principles (along with an enhanced disc containing workbook materials). The new book is built around detailed self-analysis, planning models, and trigger lists. It's denser and much less friendly than GTD, but more rewarding. Allen reads his new book in a calm and convincing tone. Now, if only there were an abridged version for those of us who just don't have the time!